• September 7, 2019

How Organic SEO Helps Search Engine Ranking

In organic SEO strategy, the question that matters most to businesses is, “Will our target market (in this case, the browsers and internet surfers) find us?” This in turn raises the question of how visible a company or business web site is in the top page rankings. Stated plainly, it is how they are placed in search engine rankings. This top page ranking is doable and achievable through the use of organic SEO (or search engine optimisation).

The moment internet users search for something on their favorite browsers, Google, Yahoo or Bing will look for the web pages that will match the topic-and this is where the use of organic SEO methods kick in. The most appropriate and fitting pages in the view of the engine bots will come out first, and those particular web pages will be ranked first. Considering that there are possibly more than a million pages to look into, the it has to go through a step by step process which is known as the algorithm. Each algorithm works in a unique way, but there are rules that govern its use and which is generally adhered to in organic SEO methods.

One of the organic SEO methods used in rankings is about the location and frequency of keywords that can be found on a web page. For this, a top SEO company would utilise an effective tool in its SEO packages: keyword analysis and selection. The right keywords would be generated and embedded in a website content. After using the right organic SEO techniques in optimising a web page, including the web design, it is up to the search engines to do the rest.

Experts in organic SEO would tell their clients that the first thing the engine bots will do is look for the pages containing the keyword, and these pages are considered more relevant than the others. At the same time the engine bots will also look if the keywords that are found at or near the top of a web page. In the same manner, the search engine will consider how often the keywords are mentioned relative to other words. Again, it is assumed that a specific web page that contain many targeted keywords are more relevant that the others. This is where the use of organic SEO boosts a business website’s chance of ranking high.

At this point, all three engines, Google, Yahoo and Bing, almost function the same but sometimes the results differ in varying degrees, even with the use of the same organic SEO methods. Some will catalog more pages or with more frequency that others. The end products eventually show different numbers and combinations even with the use of proper organic SEO techniques. A word of caution, engine bots are also configured to disregard or ignore abnormal appearances of keywords on a page.